The new version of HC2 is out !
Added a screen inside the Museum which allows you to see all currently unlocked albums and pictures
This includes encounter pictures and Bad End albums, unlocked with Fame.
Other albums besides enemies can also be seen in the museum, including facility dungeon albums
These need to be unlocked first by exploring the dungeon
Will you join the cult?
AUTUMNÂ (Beach)(Shemale)
If you want to settle down and start a family, Autumn seems like the ideal partner
Added a new scene and modifier to Jasmine
You can now use a technique by pressing its respective number key
Facility albums were added to the dungeon loot pool with a 10% chance
Recipes were added to the dungeon loot pool with a 5% chance
Added a new Facility enemy
Added Autumn Bad Ending
Added Autumn Bad End Achievement
Current Arena challenger is now Jasmine
Decreased Facility AGI check 30 > 10
Decreased Facility INT check 15 > 5
Decreased Facility VIT check 20 > 15
Increased Dodging QTEÂ min. speed (Slightly harder)
Added a cooldown for Dodging QTE on Amy's encounter (2 turns)
Fixed Violet sometimes not breaking the Hero
Fixed attributes going lower then 1